I hate to break it to you- but I ain't no real Duchess. So why, I now hear you asking yourself, do I call myself 'The Duchess'. First of all- I ain't come up with that nickname, everybody just started calling me that. I can't imagine why- I tell you I rack my mind for the exact moment of how and why people started using that nickname for me.
Now you KNOW I'm lying about that last part. I know damn well why- how- and when, but MIND YO GOT DAMN BUSINESS (insert clapping hand emojji's). OK, OK, OK... it all started with my obsession with the British Royal family. Well, my mother's obsession with them at first anyways. Now- I'm not like crazy or anything- but that would depend on what you define as "crazy". I'm not though- my blog my rules fool. But like... I was supposed to marry Prince Harry or whateva. I like Meghan- so I let her live my life and include myself every now and then. By include I mean I use photoshop... a lot. But like I said- not crazy. And no. I won't share those pics, because I'm not trying to be institutionalized or sued. I ain't no fool.
So how did we get here? Bruh, I don't know you did the clicky, clicky thing and found me. I been drunk most of the time trying to deal with the whole 'Rona thing. For those of you like- what is she rambling about now?! 'Rona... is CoRONAvirus or Covid19. I shouldn't have to run down the whole hip lingo for you... but here we are my friend. Here. We. Are. Ok, still with me? Damn- great... I guess? Well, we really got here because I'm a fool- and that is the most I will admit to being one.
I'm funny.
I know this because don't everybody tell you, you funny all the time and you NOT actually be funny. Funny isn't the reason behind this however, I mean yes, but no. I like to clown around, I like to enjoy life- as best as my mind allows me to (I don't know you like that- so you will have to wait until I trust you for that level of truth). I like to find the upside of things, and not dwell too far into the negative, because you aren't guaranteed a single moment. So yeah, I clown all the way up. Most of the time- about 95%- I'm not even making a joke. Ya'll just think I'm trying to be funny. I'm not. I'm Dead Ass.
Yes, I'm from New York City.
Like I was saying. I got issues. I have problems. I have sorrows. I have Joy. I have accomplishment. I have pain. I have failure. What I also have is laughter. Because no matter how dark life gets, there's always a joke in there somewhere. It's that joke, that laugh, that snicker, that is the moment. That is the moment I embrace. That is what I want to share.
I take myself seriously, but I also clown on myself. I'm not here to impress you- but I will check you. Be nice. I shouldn't have to say that. Mean people are not worth the energy and frankly I'm my biggest critic so if you can dish something I ain't thought about- I appreciate you. I also will be using it the next time I roast myself, so like, Gracias Pendeja/o!
Welcome to The Duchess' world. I hope you enjoy the ups, the downs, the food, the clothes and the cursing. Most of all... Just enjoy it Bitch.
With some type of love,
The Duchess